voice and consciousness

Courses, workshops and individual vocal coaching sessions
Discovering the beauty of your natural voice. Singing, chanting, vocal improvisation (meditative and dynamic improvisation). Voice-theatre and dedicated sequences of movements to explore the special relation between hands, heart and voice.

A new course: “the healing forces of music” 4 saturday mornings at the ‘Academie voor Geesteswetenschappen’. (see news)



(banjo, ukelele, dulcimer, bouzouki)
It is my aim to assist people, children and grownups, to learn to play the music the love. In doing so it it easier to engage their natural musical intelligence. 


pricing of the lessons:
children: € 80,- Monthly on the basis of weekly lessons of 25 min.
adults:     € 30,- per lesson 30 min. (by appointment e.g. monthly of every other week)

Music/healing sessions: € 75,- (60 minutes)