Masterclass “De helende werking van muziek”
11 & 18 januari 2025 – Academie voor Geesteswetenschappen
bijeenkomst 1
Het mysterie van onze stem
Waar alles mee begint:
- Aarding, adem, aanwezigheid, aandacht
- Houding versus inhoud
- Ritme in ons fysieke, fysiologische en energetische systeem
- Melodisch/harmonische en ritmische modi
Luisteren is Leren!
Vocale werkvormen
- Stemgeving, klankvorming, houding
- Zingen van nieuwe spirituele songs en mantra’s
- Neuriën, reciteren (bv. psalmodie), intervallen
- Oerterts met bourdon, Antifonale zang
- Parameters van de stem herkennen
Stemtheater- Vocale archetypes, vocale dialoog, gibberish
- Improvisatie
meditatief en dynamisch
Psychologische/spirituele dimensie
- Vrije- versus geconditioneerde stem
- Ken je het verhaal dat je stem vertelt?
- Stem als spiegel èn ‘spier’ van de ziel…
- Ervaren van resonantie
- Ervaren van het effect van klank op ons subtiele energiesysteem
- Handen als receptoren en zenders van (klank-)energie
Bijeenkomst 2
Het universum van klank
Alles is trilling, alles wordt door trilling beïnvloed
- Frequenties, verschiltonen, zwevingen
- Het leren kennen van ‘sympathetic resonance’
- Principe van toning: Hoe je klank specifiek kunt afstemmen
- Chanting en exploreren van boventonen
- Inleiding tot esoterische/mystieke toepassingen van klank zoals- sjamanisme, nadayoga, chackrahealing
- Cymatics: Het effect van klank op materie zichtbaar gemaakt
- Entrainment: invloed van specifieke frequenties op hersengolven
- De invloed van musiceren op het endocriene systeem (afscheiding van hormonen: endorfine, oxytocine, dopamine)
- Specifiek gestemde klankbronnen met veronderstelde helende frequenties zoals bv stemvorken (fonoforese). klankstaven …
Speciale instrumenten
Kennismaken met speciale ruimte gevende en ontspannende muziekinstrumenten die makkelijk te bespelen zijn:
- Bourdon-instrumenten: Dulcimer, epinette en Srutibox (begeleiding bij zingen, improvisatie, meditatie)
- Kalimba (Sansula), handpan (hang), klankschalen …
Muziek, meditatie en movement
De waarde van het ontwikkelen van een ‘vocabulaire van houdingen en bewegingen’.
What the course is about
In this course you will learn to experience and apply the healing effects of music and sound. Both active and passive (receptive) working methods are discussed. It is a practical course. We will sing a lot, after all our voice is the healing instrument par excellence. Attention is paid to the use of special musical instruments, instruments that anyone can learn to play just like that. We will also consider the principles underlying the healing effect of music and sound.
The spiritual dimension, how a music experience can remind us of our given connectedness and wholeness, is a recurring theme: where you are in contact with who you deeply are, the process of healing can begin ‘from within’. The approach is concentric: each meeting has one or two core themes and some of the previously practiced working methods are further explored.
Jan about the healing effect of music:
Experiencing the healing effect of music actually started for me when I listened to Gregorian chant as a child, as was still sung in the Roman Catholic Church during the sixties. Only when this special music disappeared and was replaced by new Dutch songs did I become aware of the value that Gregorian chant had for me. It was at the same time ‘grounding’ and formed a connection with the greater, the universal, the eternal. The influence of this music is reflected in ‘my’ compositions, both in the songs and music for choir.
In the early eighties a friend brought me a very old singing bowl from Tibet. The sound of this was a revelation to me. The spectrum of overtones, corresponding to the 7 metals that make up this instrument, could be heard so clearly. The memory of the effect that Gregorian chant had on me came back to life. I then started to look more and more into the effect that music and sound have on us. This study continues to this day.
In the mid-eighties I taught a series of courses on ‘The Esoteric Aspects of Music’ at the ‘Cantorate of the RUU’. From that time on, I have been giving courses and workshops in many places about, among other things, ‘Voice and consciousness’ and the ‘healing effect of music and sound’.